mercredi 24 février 2010

Im erg ng in the obs s ion f r key w r s

I should think about.

the religion that changed the perspective over the world

back home. my window view. tineretului.

"E adevarat, sunt din beton, sunt gandite extrem de prost, se descompun pe zi ce trece, dar sunt ale noastre. Toti locuiam (si da, trebuie subliniat acest termen) in ele..... pentru ca doar acolo puteam locui. Pentru ca acolo fusesem adusi de la curte, de langa porc sau acolo fusesem parasutati din locuintele noastre burgheze, detestate de noua ordine sociala. Dupa revolutie situatia a ramas aceeasi, nu de alta, dar nu prea aveai unde sa te muti.

Revolutie.....Trec ceva ani....Urmeaza un moment extrem de important pentru istoria locuintei romanesti .


Efectul este insa complet la celalalt capat al scarii valorice. Ghetto-ul de bogati. Prezent peste tot in Europa, la noi in tara, acest „model” l-a depasit de mult pe cel al saracilor. Il puteti gasi din plin in nordul orasului. Zone inchise, garduri, pumni bagati in gura de diversi paznici, afise care va atentioneaza ca va aflati pe teritoriu privat, garduri din nou, camere de filmat si priviri furioase din spatele geamurilor fumurii.


Moartea prin excelenta a spatiului public si stingerea orasului ca loc colectiv, transformarea intr-o colectie de locuri individuale."

Luat de pe Bukres, scris se pare de Stefan T. vecine salutari!

lundi 22 février 2010

Rotterdam / going to the big city

well, in NL, all is kind of part of a big city, but still when going in the heart of business and extreme architecture, makes us, far away Limburgish get excited for all the structures and possibilities around. but also makes me say.. where is my little Malberg lake? well I know that its not far so I dont get stuck on this all the time

noise shifting girls

Nowadays Eindhoven, starts to mean a lot more than just the Philips city. First of all, its the temporary home city of I, (hello u) and the location of her job, the Onomatopee, where me and K had our first group jam performance.
Noisy and crazy, sometimes harmonic, in general platonic

samedi 20 février 2010

Save the holes. Only in Ro

lundi 15 février 2010

my first published article on Crossroads

Thank you Catalina for the good connections . honor to start on the same page mademoiselle .

whats love got to do with it

what is with all this love and hearts, all around my blog?

feeling a frustration.. and a lack of hugs? bullshit.

now, im just having a conversation with Irena and Kris, both as lonely as they are not lonely and sharing the need to share needs with someone. is the effort worth it? how much is it compromise, how much is pure enjoyment?

what is the problem?
no love, no problem
but whats love got to do with it?

dimanche 14 février 2010

happy valentines day!

A-Ha - Take On Me (Video)

vendredi 12 février 2010

Go la Sibiu.

Cine nu-l stie pe 7?
7 are ceva magic. e un numar complet, desi nu vrea sa para.
personal il stiu plin de energie pozitiva.
Pentru altii tot de bine e. de exemplu, popoarele islamice il considera numarul straturilor pamantului, cat si numarul ce reprezinta paradisul.

Si la Sibiu, 7 inseamna ceva.
E activ.
Printre ganduri si dorinte, multa activitate locala.
Ceva se schimba la Sibiu

7Acte in weekend 13-14, aparute prin creativitate si colectivitate

mercredi 10 février 2010

mardi 9 février 2010

Escape the system - make your own

Charles Esche and a good mind map

to imagine is most likely to create. once you imagine, the mind creates. not always but sometimes (depending on the person and its "witchcrafting" skills ) but that the way life works. this is the way it has always worked

if things happen is just because we want them to happen
so, this is why I love art, for the application of these apparently utopic plan

lundi 8 février 2010

Loading Recife

These works by brazilian artist Barbara Wagner explore the issues of periphery, self-representation and exoticism in the context of cultural globalization and her subjects go beyond – and defy – the cultural canons of beauty, behavior, happiness, civility and welfare. enjoy. it just makes me want to take off to brazil, NOW

Brazil vs Netherlands on same social level

these pictures are part of a series of photographs done during the Made In Mirrors residency period of Barbara Wagner in China, Netherlands and Brazil. Her main objectiv was to capture moments from the borders of society and to show their beauty and optimism to the entire world. As I do like the results, I support the project and try to spread the word about her vision

dimanche 7 février 2010

sound and pieces of analog life

Casio Nostra Live At B32 by Wander Music

open content

this idea is briliant
again one of those things that go with the flow.
actual topic. open educational resources and free culture , new revolution of access to knowledge.
as i perviously debated
in Napoli
in a church. it is a nice story that i did not globally share, yet
in bits
until, now someone who explains good, but smth quite different
at least it puts you, my dear audience, up to date to current personal research topics and so, you get an idea of what exactly one should expect from me and this blog.

Prima emisie libera la TVR

si de aici pana la alegerea imnului national "Desteapta te romane" pare se sa fi fost la o aruncatura de batz. o aruncatura profesionista as zice de s a ajuns la aceasta concluzie utopica. Romanul sa se destepte.. ar fi indicat dar nu vrea nimeni asta. Ce dracului "Am invins"? care ar fi raspunsul dupa 20 de ani? eu am crescut in acest mediu triumfator capitalist democratic si nu simt ca am mare lucru de castigat. noroc cu libera circulatie un UE, nu cu UE. asta e alta discutie. Consumati Romani si nu va desteptati, ca tre sa schimbam imnul daca se desteapta lumea. desi.. acel acum ori niciodata, a trecut si suntem clar in etapa de niciodata. adevarul doare