jeudi 28 janvier 2010

a bit chanson du dimanche

T'as pas découvert le feu (La Chanson du Dimanche S01E07)

lundi 25 janvier 2010

ideology of ownership, toward a culture of use of forms, a culture of constant activity based on signs based on a common ideal : sharing

Studies in Transfalumination || working on project

dimanche 24 janvier 2010

samedi 23 janvier 2010

zenobia sounds and feels

zenobia bran castle fest

vendredi 22 janvier 2010

iMrs. Jynx @ Rubber Brainscrubber 2009

Banksy Trailer

Kelpe live

Kelpe - The Blankout Agreement - Live in Germany

Paradise Circus

by Massive Attack , via Kris

in arad. street subversion

kinema ikon: intermedia magazine 21 / intervention /

jeudi 21 janvier 2010

sleep ... and... dream

Robert A. Lowe aka Lichens @ Miroiterie, Paris

samedi 16 janvier 2010

altAlternativa where?

and an article on sub cultures in Berlin and their actual and future position in the territories of the city.

jeudi 14 janvier 2010

broadcaster of the year

give power to quality content.
use technology to insure available information
and all will be just fine


lundi 11 janvier 2010

NYE 2010 Bucuresti @ terasa la IleaMak

almost 2 weeks ago, transition to 2010 on a terrace, my favorite one in Bucharest thats for sure. plan was to go to all the parties. and well I think we managed quite good to do it, as we were part of whole firework scheme. horray

made in Rromania

Made in Rromania - teaser from Matei-Alexandru Mocanu on Vimeo.

May 2010, documentary on Shukar Collective. tribal music for the global village. sounds promising.

dimanche 10 janvier 2010

house start upq


samedi 9 janvier 2010

planX in MaastriX

the weather is not at its best for extreme sightseeing plans, but... I think that now that I have just found the website with all the castles in Limburg, both Dutch and Belgian, this will be difficult to neglect. so... just have to go with the flow and plan to see the most until any future collapse

si da

Daniel Knorr gandeste contextual. firar el de context. cam tot ceea ce a facut pana acum demonstreaza implicarea lui in observarea vietii. fie ca analizeaza viata privata sau publica, lucrarile lui au taisuri ascutite intre conexiunile neuronilor. ce ma bucura mai mult e ca am gasit un articol simpatic despre el pe hotnews si noul site think. I recommend. categoria de urban heros incearca sa impartaseasca idei dragutze.
change of style. always on a switch. switching days, temperatures and colors

Raresh 15th in the 2009 resident advisor poll

raresh on 15th place. go Raresh to number one. No1 in 2010. thats my wish

mercredi 6 janvier 2010

prieten cu basescu


mardi 5 janvier 2010

music. house music.

music is us, part of our environment. let music be free.

technology start up

student brings typewriter to class (CS 1301 @ GT)

vendredi 1 janvier 2010

top 10 inculti

"cel mai adevarat post ... acasa tv". si mai multe dume. si am o nemultumire la inceput de an. presedintele. cu al lui doilea mandat. basescu are si channel pe net, unde isi posteaza filmele din cele mai reusite conferinte si aparitii personale, iar comenturile sunt dezactivate. bine.. open source... sa nu cumva sa isi spuna prea multa lume parerea. wtf? dictatura? le e teama de libertatea de expresie. iar in rest deja nu mai are de ce sa le fie teama pt ca au complicat totul extrem.

explica Parazitzii in next tune