mardi 17 mars 2009

dimanche 15 mars 2009


dupa aseara.. si azi dimineata, all can I think bout is sound and light. and the way these two, mixed in a really brilliant way can make such an impact on ones mind

samedi 14 mars 2009

alternative google methods

eu personal m-am cam saturat sa google pe google. vine si din spiritul anarhist pe care il promovez dar si din dorinta de a avea mai multe alternative cand googleuiesc ceva. I google you google, dar hai sa mai google si pe alte canale. cateva alternative sunt prezentate in acest minifilmulet. sper sa va ajute sa gasiti informatiile pe care le google, dar si fara google.
prea mult google

Bits and Bobs

cautand modele de animatie, am dat de noua nebunie marca CYriak. cica sunt "left over animations". super tare ce ii ramane lui felt over.

jeudi 12 mars 2009

evolutie si criza.

o conferinta amuzanta, prezinta lucruri serioase intr-o nota de umor. si o concluzie .

lundi 9 mars 2009

Beirut - My Night With A Prostitute From Marseille (NEW)

this is from the new album. actually a new EP, that went out at the beginning of this month.
new style with new influences of the trips that this incredible guy Zach Gordon keeps making. he is a troubadour. and he is always in search of inspiration on foreign lands.
This is my fav tune of the new album. its got a glitchy dancin atmosphere that I didnt find anywhere else before.

Postcards from Italy.

I have totally fallen in love with his sound. its like 3 weeks since I ve been in this bougie vibe. it is the sort of music that really makes me so happyyy..........
now im in the middle of many things that I need to do.,.. but I feel the need to stop from time to time and just enjoy this tune .. and start dancing in my small studio. does it have the same impact on you?

mardi 3 mars 2009

The Tipping Point

things are going on inside our society, inside us, inside the perception of our feelings. I feel this and many of the people I know have similar thoughts. It may be a drama of each generation, this feeling of being the last one, but we`ll just have to wait and see. I just hope for us to become the best generation. a generation with different values and a different view of our universe. (each one of us an universe in my perception)

what I try to do, is do what I feel. Feelings are beyond my rational comprehension and for this reason i try to follow what I feel without asking to understand too good, as I don t think there is any possibility to fully understand. I can try, but I fear.

I do believe in this global vibe and I hope it will work and have some positive results . even if nothing happens, at least I feel becoming a better person every day. And this is such a nice feeling.

spend time with yourself, your passions, your hobbies, your loved ones, in your adored places and enjoy the feelings that you have.

and listen to music!

dimanche 1 mars 2009

Astuce vol.1.wmv

cum sa ai un pastis perfect?