dimanche 25 janvier 2009
vendredi 23 janvier 2009
The Octopus Project - I Saw the Bright Shinies
indietronik. just perfect
The Octopus Project is an American indietronica band based in Austin, Texas. unique sound, blending pop and experimental elements
mercredi 21 janvier 2009
future of mood enhancement. by Michiko Nitta
In 2016, the government announced a new regulation called "Statutory Instruments 2016 No. 201,
The Control of Maintained psychology Regulations". This regulation declares that all babies
diagnosed with a genetic predisposition to depression are considered as a dangerous breed,
therefore their parents were directed to implant "BRAIN AID" into these children for a happier,
safer life.
lundi 19 janvier 2009
dimanche 18 janvier 2009
jeudi 15 janvier 2009
Roots Manuva
think about you, think about me, think about this, think about that.
sitting here and thinking
mardi 13 janvier 2009
Cristi Neagoe despre Schimba Lumea.ro
departe de orice context actual in care ai auzit de respectvul cristi, cateva lucruri esentiale in spatele prezentarii siteului: http://schimbalumea.ro/
tu poti schimba totul, deoarece lumea se schimba datorita modului in care o privesti