mardi 22 décembre 2009
1ere soiree
holiday reading
feel like reading? E-flux is out on December. free online version as well as the whole archive of interesting issues, well... click that link
lundi 21 décembre 2009
niet panik
dimanche 20 décembre 2009
monkey almost made essay cover
samedi 19 décembre 2009
metaphorically speaking
mardi 15 décembre 2009
lundi 14 décembre 2009
East 17 it's alright - if u dont know it, (that would be rare).. so listen
this answered some mysteries.
i was like 11, when East 17 came in Romania. went with mum and dad. i was the biggest fan of this boy band. im still proud i liked them .. no new kids, no backstreets... i liked these guys. well they were the biggest stoners from the available bands on the international market. :)) but I like their vibe and energy... giving love and positive feelings. AAAAAAAA.
i grew up with this in my mind, singing these words to my parents.
when i found it again, last night actually, all sorts of positive stuff came up. first of all, artists guide us. or from my perspective, music has guided me in life. ABSOLUTELY. I trust music therapy, that i m applying on myself for some time now. best example, was the end of my last 3 years relationship. that went so smooth just cause i love music. otherwise or if it were someone else, could have killed the 2 bastards :))) . Joking Gala si Georgiana, La multi ani. they ll be .. like two years? already or three?? wooow. enjoy
anyway.. i enjoy music. and is it my senses that allow that? could it mean than im sensible? people tell me if u feel there s anything wrong with me. :))
or is it just that i am:
post-human era representative! more senses, more thoughts, less time.
"we are the new generation"(east 17, 95). and if i had it in my head since 12. now things become more clear.
could artistic research make artists reflect better upon to their works?
dimanche 13 décembre 2009
sound water
samedi 12 décembre 2009
jeudi 10 décembre 2009
Quote recent, de ieri. George Paduraru , sef cumva intr-un in asociatia studentilor, motiv pentru care e denumit des "sindicalist". Care e contexul? Cica ceva manifestatie anti-basescu. Tipu explica ca studentii nu stiu ce s-a intamplat la revolutie, la mineriade si vor macar acum sa stie adevarul. "Am primit o portie de adevar, batandu-ne, arestandu-ne si ducandu-ne la politie, de Ziau intenationala a dreoturilor omului. Se continua cu intimidari, amenintari, sunt oameni care-i cauta pe cei care au fost la mars. Avem senzatia amara ca o sa reia perioada de dinainte de '89. (...) Sunt colegi care merg in campus si se uita in spate. Daca alegerile au fost fraudate sa ni se spuna si sa mergem din nou la vot", a spus George Paduraru, anuntand ca protestele vor continua."
mercredi 9 décembre 2009
the relation art / politics - two ways of making fiction
where we are
mardi 8 décembre 2009
samedi 5 décembre 2009
jeudi 3 décembre 2009
mercredi 2 décembre 2009
cloud clau
For 3 weeks I lost a part of mobility around Maas. In the same time, I became a client of public transportation, which here means just moving in circle, going with 20km/k and just getting to center 10min faster than walking. but sometimes walking was not a solution: too lazy or late.
mardi 1 décembre 2009
lundi 30 novembre 2009
happy 1st december Ro!
The one and only a.k.a. Poke, is from now on, active on the global community. Check out ce que les yeux travaillent!
field trip in Brussel
mercredi 25 novembre 2009
mardi 24 novembre 2009
lundi 23 novembre 2009
in search of perfection.
dimanche 22 novembre 2009
Holi(shit)day: Election tourism 2009
Familiar with the term? In Romania, we all are, as have shown the presidential elections last night. we are consciously letting politicians play the most dehumanizing schemes on us. it is just awful! Horrible! again too many of these illegal voters, these so called election tourists. Just a big show, a big masquerade, a scam, a bullshit. So what I am talking about? what is this new sort of tourism? well looks like the strategy of these totally undemocratic parties (the PSD is doing it since forever, and now the others following with the same strategy) is to pay people both voters and those working for the voting centers to support this maneuver as to get more votes for a side (for this Sunday I think it has also been a contest of logistic teams of each party for coordinating these "tourists"). So what happens is, that a big network of commuters appears, either from village to village or city to city, sometimes by means of collective transportation. They are moved around the region and they vote everywhere they can and then probably they will receive a big dinner and some money.
mardi 17 novembre 2009
lundi 16 novembre 2009
samedi 14 novembre 2009
fuck you. leave us alone. we are changing, and we dont need to change the weather
Weather manipulation is actually not as rare as one might think. Currently, 24 countries practice some kind of cloud seeding. Moscow's mayor keeps the Russian Air Force on cloud seeding duty to make sure it never rains on his parades (literally). The U.S. has dabbled with weather manipulation in attempts to curb the intensity of Gulf hurricanes back in the '60s, and the military seeded clouds over North Vietnam during the war there to extend the monsoon season. Oh, and the CIA seeded clouds in 1969 in an attempt to rain out the hippies gathering at Woodstock, but they partied right through it anyhow (that instance is unconfirmed, but groovy to think about).
mercredi 11 novembre 2009
build doors for all the walls or break them!
mardi 10 novembre 2009
The Bloody History of Communism (1 of 14)
long documentary but could clear up some historic questions of communism